Higher Study

Call Short Training Initiatives (KOI) 2015

17 September 2014, Wednesday

পাঠক মন্তব্য

Emma, uoeHTUFpDpE,  23 Jul,2016 08:35am

The exetrpise shines through. Thanks for taking the time to answer.

Winston, [email protected],  18 Jan,2019 12:41am

Hope you had a good Holiday with your loved ones, Happy new year by the way. I simply wondered if you've planned any marketing yet for your site this new year. I'm self-employed doing this for various businesses for numerous years now, I feed my family doing this so I won't complain. I have a means of getting immediate interested traffic and buyers to your website through social media channels and email. Along with getting more likes, followers for all your social media accounts. I've a new program that's just been completed that listens to all social mentions being made, if a certain word or phrase is detected, we instantly send back to them a message that they ought to visit your site. We are able to use as many search terms as we want, 100's of targeted visits a day. I can even assist you in making/updating your site, fix site errors add updates etc. If you might need it. Along with that, I'd also like to discover what your competitors have implimented that you havn't done yet and address those issues asap. I'd also like to make a video or two about your site and get them to rank high pretty quickly. Lastly I've a big database of opt in customers that are enthusiastic about what it is you do, so if you'd like to expand your current newsletter list let me know, I can get you these records whenever you'd like them. They would enable you to get instant leads by supplying you with a set of people or businesses that are seeking just what it is you're offering. I take advantage of tools that a lot of individuals don't find out about or don't have time to use for themselves and I would like to use them on your site. If your're to busy with current clients I understand, I was just wondering was all. Let me know if you'd like extra information or references, I do have more than I know what to do with. Winston 1.319.423.9473

কীবোর্ড নির্বাচন করুন: Bijoy   UniJoy   Phonetic   English

আপনার মতামত দিন

নাম (অবশ্যই দিতে হবে)

ইমেইল (অবশ্যই দিতে হবে)



“অবাঞ্চিত মতামত নিয়ন্ত্রনের জন্য সঞ্চালক কতৃক অনুমোদনের পর মতামত প্রকাশিত হয়”


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